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Collection of articles on the topic of climate change.
This section includes investigations that measure or correlate the impacts of the effects of space weather and terrestrial climate, as solar activities affect productive activities and have a correlation, investigations that measure it are well accepted, the climatic variability in the productive paths of the bioeconomy is a cross-cutting issue. Risk and disaster issues before events and adaptation or mitigation measures.
E- ISSN: 2410-7980
PARENT DOI: 10.5377
National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León Central Building, adjacent to La Merced Church| Apartado Postal 68. PBX: +505-23115013 | FAX: +50523114970
Web site iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim.) e-ISSN 2410-7980
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Iberoamericana de Bioeconomia y Cambio Climático