Environmental services and hydrological resources management using the WEAP model. study cases in Latin America





Bio-economy, Environmental Services, Payment for Environmental Services, hydrological resources management, WEAP hydrological model


In the present work, have been identified the experiences of the Ibero-American countries that have applied the Bio-economy in the path of the Environmental Services (ES) on hydrologic regulation and water quality, as part of the hydrological resources management under the impacts of the climatic changes. It has been carried out the revision of documents and application cases of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) outlines in Latin America and Caribbean (ALC). Also, It has been incorporated the application of the hydrological model WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning System) as a model for hydrological resources management. A revision of the cases of application of this hydrological model in ALC has also been made, that allows the estimation of the environmental services of water resource and its relationship with the land use and the climatic changes.



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Author Biographies

T. G. Roffe, Institute of Tropical Geography. Cuba

Researcher of the Institute of Tropical Geography, Cuba 

P. J. Toruño, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Researcher at the Center for Research in Agricultural Sciences and Applied Economics and coordinator of the Biorefinerias Bioproductos research unit.

E. A. Marinero Orantes, El Salvador University. El Salvador

Researcher at the Paracentral Multidisciplinary Faculty Research Unit

E. I. Gutiérrez Espinoza, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Researcher at the Center for Research in Agricultural Sciences and Applied Economics, renewable energy and irrigation research unit


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How to Cite

Roffe, T. G., Toruño, P. J., Marinero Orantes, E. A., & Gutiérrez Espinoza, E. I. (2015). Environmental services and hydrological resources management using the WEAP model. study cases in Latin America. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 1(1), 72–87. https://doi.org/10.5377/ribcc.v1i1.2142

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