Nicaragua human development plan, 2012-2016: an approach for education and rural development




Social Cohesion, Ecological Balance, Economic growth, Social Equity, Poverty, Government, Integration, Security, Solidarity, Human development


This study analyzes the benefits of the National Human Development Plan (NHDP) 2012- 2016, developed and implemented in Nicaragua and rector of the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN), as an instrument of education and rural development to take to implement public policies, strategies and actions Nation, to attain the aims of poverty reduction, human development, social, economic, fairly and from the role of the individual, family and community. The NHDP is a living plan, under continuous construction, open to the contributions of Nicaraguan society, which is updated periodically to meet the internal and external changing processes is a master plan that serves as a reference for the medium and long term , ie any public policy will be referred to the joint with this plan in which it hopes to have a holistic and integral structure. In the framework of the Education and Rural Development is studying PNDH be an instrument to improve the quality of life of Nicaraguans placing them at the center and primordial subject of development through economic growth with social equity and the transformation of methods of production and consumption patterns and is based on the ecological balance and the vital support of the region.


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Author Biographies

E. Martinez-Andrade, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Teacher - Administrator CUR Somotillo / UNAN - León

J. A. Rivas-García, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Master's Degree Coordinator, UNAN - León / CUR Somotillo

E. M. Villalobos-Maradiaga, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Professor and researcher, CUR Somotillo UNAN Leon

E. A. Gómez-Trujillo, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Professor researcher, CUR Somotillo

C. A. Zúniga-González, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor, Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences. Agroecology Department.
Research Center in Agricultural Sciences and Applied Economics.


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How to Cite

Martinez-Andrade, E., Rivas-García, J. A., Villalobos-Maradiaga, E. M., Gómez-Trujillo, E. A., & Zúniga-González, C. A. (2016). Nicaragua human development plan, 2012-2016: an approach for education and rural development. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 2(1), 378–389.



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