Straights from bioethics in the face of the new scenarios of climate change




Bioethics, Environment, Climate Change


The challenges posed by climate change to bioethics in the face of negative impacts on biodiversity raises “Change mindsets, not climate”; This is the theme of the public awareness campaign that is part of the UNESCO Climate Change Strategy 2018-2021, Drawn up in the context of the Paris Agreement 2015 (COP21) and the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and which represents a profound change in the co-action human behavior and its relationship with the environment, a task that is imposed on bioethics as an object of reflection on the role that the new generations must assume if we want to save our planet. Beyond the denominations (ecoethics, technoethics, biotechnology ethics, environmental ethics, geoethics…), any ethical debate that has life as its epicenter in any of its forms can be considered, in full sense, of a debate of nature bioethics, whose purpose will be to preserve and promote the life of present and future generations and of nature with a sense of justice, in caring for vulnerable beings.


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Author Biographies

J. C. Carvajal-Rodríguez, Santander University, Colombia

Degree in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Spain, Administration of Educational Informatics, Doctor in Education from Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador UPEL, Venezuela, peer evaluator for Colciencias, peer evaluator for Scopus Magazines.  Currently, professor and researcher at the University of Santander UDES Campus Cúcuta.  Author of book, book chapters and scientific articles. JUNIOR Researcher, Colciencias category.  (Index H 3)


J. J. Núñez-Rodríguez, Santander University, Colombia

Postdoctor in Latin American Education, Doctor of Education, MSC. in Agricultural Business Management, Bachelor of Education and Agricultural Engineer. 26 years dedicated to the training of professionals, specialists, magister and doctors in different universities in Venezuela and Colombia. 12 research projects, from which 34 articles, 5 books, 7 book chapters and numerous national and international presentations have been derived. H9 impact index, 282 citations. Postdoctor in Latin American Education, Doctor of Education, MSC. in Agricultural Business Management, Bachelor of Education and Agricultural Engineer. 26 years dedicated to the training of professionals, specialists, magister and doctors in different universities in Venezuela and Colombia. 12 research projects, from which 34 articles, 5 books, 7 book chapters and numerous national and international presentations have been derived. H9 impact index, 282 citations Postdoctor in Latin American Education, Doctor of Education, MSC. in Agricultural Business Management, Bachelor of Education and Agricultural Engineer. 26 years dedicated to the training of professionals, specialists, magister and doctors in different universities in Venezuela and Colombia. 12 research projects, from which 34 articles, 5 books, 7 book chapters and numerous national and international presentations have been derived. H9 impact index, 282 citations Postdoctor in Latin American Education, Doctor of Education, MSC. in Agricultural Business Management, Bachelor of Education and Agricultural Engineer. 26 years dedicated to the training of professionals, specialists, magister and doctors in different universities in Venezuela and Colombia. 12 research projects, from which 34 articles, 5 books, 7 book chapters and numerous national and international presentations have been derived. H9 impact index, 282 citations Postdoctor in Latin American Education, Doctor of Education, MSC. in Agricultural Business Management, Bachelor of Education and Agricultural Engineer. 26 years dedicated to the training of professionals, specialists, magister and doctors in different universities in Venezuela and Colombia. 12 research projects, from which 34 articles, 5 books, 7 book chapters and numerous national and international presentations have been derived. H9 impact index, 282 citations Postdoctor in Latin American Education, Doctor of Education, MSC. in Agricultural Business Management, Bachelor of Education and Agricultural Engineer. 26 years dedicated to the training of professionals, specialists, magister and doctors in different universities in Venezuela and Colombia. 12 research projects, from which 34 articles, 5 books, 7 book chapters and numerous national and international presentations have been derived. H9 impact index, 282 citations.

C. E. Araque-Pérez, Santander University, Colombia

Araque Pérez studied Medicine at the Metropolitan University of Barranquilla and has a specialization in Health Services Management from the Free University, in Administration and Teaching from the University of Santander and Universitology from the Pontifical Javeriana University; The Doctor of Education. She is president of the Association of Venezuelan-Colombian Higher Education Institutions (ASIESVECO), an active member of the Scientific Technical Committee of SENA and of the Health Cluster Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Cúcuta. She has received multiple decorations and honors for her great work in favor of the development of northern Santander society. She currently works as rector of the Campus of the University of Santander in Cúcuta.


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How to Cite

Carvajal-Rodríguez, J. C., Núñez-Rodríguez, J. de J., & Araque-Pérez, C. E. (2021). Straights from bioethics in the face of the new scenarios of climate change. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 7(14), 1595–1601.



Review article
