Food security and sovereignty




Food safety, Food Sovereignty, Globalization, Nutrition, Law


This paper focused on the review of the literature to know the main definitions of food security and sovereignty, establish their differences, and how globalization intervenes in the application of these concepts in the world.   It is concluded that food security and sovereignty constitutes a fundamental part for all sectors in developing countries, as in the case of Nicaragua. In education and rural development, food security and sovereignty is very important to evaluate its effects.  Globalization as a new form of domination, tries to impose on countries like ours what needs to be produced, and also how to do it to satisfy the demands and needs of the most powerful nations. They also impose what we must consume, forcing us to be consumers and importers of junk food.   Regrettably, the guidelines of a healthy diet are subject to the laws of the international market, and oblige us to consider the formulation of a Food Policy that equitably distributes the goods that we produce, that guarantees the right of our people to Food, which guarantees Food Security and above all, the Food Sovereignty of this country that we love. It is due to this fact that in our legislation there are already laws that treat the solution to this problem.


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Author Biographies

E. A. Gómez-Trujillo, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Research professor UNAN LEÓN, Somotillo Headquarters

E. Martinez-Andrades, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor, Master in Education and Rural Development. Somotillo CUR.

J. A. Rivas-García, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Coordinator, Master in Education and Rural Development. Regional University Center (CUR-Somotillo). UNAN-León. Master in Education and Rural Development.

E. M. Villalobos-Maradiaga, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor, Master in Education and Rural Development.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Trujillo, E. A., Martinez-Andrades, E., Rivas-García, J. A., & Villalobos-Maradiaga, E. M. (2016). Food security and sovereignty. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 2(1), 315–324.



Review article
