Tree ring indexes of two conifers in Central Mexico
Radial growth, high altitude forests, climate indicatorsAbstract
Tree ring indices (TRI) were determined in Abies Religiosa (Kunth Schltdl. et Cham) (fir) and Pinus Hartwegii (Lindl.) (pine) along a transect on the Neovolcanic axis, in Mexico. Wood core were sampled at six mountains with similar climatic, geological, soil and vegetation conditions. The mountains were: Nevado de Colima, Pico de Tancitaro, Nevado de Toluca, Cerro Tlaloc, La Malinche and Pico de Orizaba. Increment cores were collected from at least 20 long-lived trees from each species in each site; however, at the end of this study the most representative trees were selected leaving in between 6 to 17 trees of each species in each mountain (144 trees in total). The results indicated different trend of TRI for mountains and species. However, mean values for the whole transect showed that about the year 1935 there was a growth reduction for both species. Fir showed a greater variation TRI. Only fir data showed a significant relationship between ring indices and precipitation.
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