Zoothecnic and Veterinary Medecine

6 Items

Collection of articles on the productive path of Veterinary Bioeconomy.

This section receives original articles, reviews, and short communications of a high scientific and ethical level, related to veterinary medicine and animal husbandry. In the area of ​​veterinary medicine, high-quality veterinary and biomedical research is accepted that focuses on all aspects related to epidemiological, production, reproduction, clinical, and biotechnology, which are developed and applied in consumption animals, companion animals, equines, wild animals, laboratory animals. Studies that relate the effect of climate change on animal health and animal production systems of bovine, swine, ovine, and poultry production, as well as the importance of the environment on zoonoses and emerging infections, are highly valued. Epidemiological articles should provide new insights into pathogen-host-environment interactions and their impact on local economies. Manuscripts that address the dynamics of disease spread will be favored, as well as the use of biotechnology for the control and treatment of diseases with environmentally friendly methodologies. Studies using mathematical models and developing or applying new epidemiological methods are welcome if they are based on a biological application. In the area of ​​zootechnics, original scientific articles are received in the areas of Aquaculture, biometeorology and animal welfare, forage crops and pastures, animal reproduction, nutrition, and animal production systems and agribusiness, with special attention to livestock systems in disadvantaged areas and to the development of their local breeds and alternative livestock production.


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