Bioconomic devepment and mangroves in Latin America




mangroves, Latin America, Economic, development, Biodiversity


The demand for goods and services increases as a function of population growth, which leads to the overexploitation of natural resources and the imbalance of natural ecosystems. At the global level, treaties, conventions and agreements have been made in order to ensure the management of natural resources, promoting actions that reduce global warming and guarantee the protection of biodiversity. Nevertheless; The acceptance of these treaties, conventions and agreements has not had the expected repercussions, nor has its implementation been of greater importance. Therefore, this work had the objective of collecting information related to the main commercial activities that are causing mangrove deforestation in Latin America. Its importance lies in the fact that it favors the development of aquatic species with nutritional and commercial value, sustaining the bioeconomy of coastal communities through fishing, the production of wood and charcoal, carbon storage, the cushioning effect of hurricanes and storms, control of coastal erosion and saline intrusion, they also function as biological filters. Globally, it is estimated that mangroves provide US$1.6 billion per year in ecosystem services and livelihoods. However, from 1980 to 2005 in Latin America, 807,030 ha of mangroves were lost. The main causes are attributed to agriculture in the coastal plain, urban sprawl, oil industries, road and bridge construction, and conversion to shrimp farming industries.


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Author Biographies

A. Sol-Sánchez, Postgraduate College, Campus Tabasco. Mexico

Ángel is a Dr. in forest science. He is a biologist with a master's degree in natural resources and a doctorate in tropical
forestry from CATIE in Costa Rica and the University of Idaho in the United States. Ángel is a research professor in the area of ​​tropical fruit growing, climate change, mangroves and bioeconomics.
He is President of the Iberoamerican Society for Bioeconomy and Climate Change, he is the link in Mexico of the
network of the same name. He has been awarded on several occasions as a distinguished professor, member of the state system
of researchers and is currently a member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico.
He is editor-in-chief in Mexico of the Iberoamerican magazine on Bioeconomy and climate change  

G. I. Hernández-Melchor, Autonomous University of Chiapas, México

Researcher at the Autonomous University of Chiapas. Mayan Faculty of Agricultural Studies. Collegiate body agricultural production in sustainable systems

M. Hernández-Hernández, Autonomous University of Chiapas, México

Researcher Autonomous University of Chiapas. Mayan Faculty of Agricultural Studies


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How to Cite

Sol-Sánchez, A., Hernández-Melchor, G. I. ., & Hernández-Hernández, M. (2022). Bioconomic devepment and mangroves in Latin America. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 8(16), 2007–2017.



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