Bullying child maltreatment in primary students





Exploration, Sampler, Materials, Paradigm, Consequences


The present essay focused on the abuse of elementary students that the authors have centralized their investigations, applying their diverse methodologies both qualitative and quantitative that helps us to understand this phenomenon. In addition, the study in which each of the outrage behaviors for power injustice was analyzed in relation to three typologies (victims, aggressors and witnesses), following a methodology somewhat different from that used in general in incidence studies including Study carried out the physical and psychological aspects of the three actors who live with this scourge and the most dangerous is that they see it as something normal and accept this situation. Also with respect, the bullying phenomenon is the one that has been studied more in comparison with other forms of violence. This analysis has been limited to the school environment and peer relations, leaving in many cases the possible phenomena of adult abuse towards children and vice versa, as well as other types of aggression that may occur in the school environment and which are not , Properly, social educational phenomena Together, a simple way to carry out this study can be developed a weekly grid that allows each teacher to store in each classroom, the type and repetition of student actions that they consider "disruptive", to be able to comply with a more global And exhaustive of its event and, in collaboration with the teaching team and the students, negotiate measures that agree to minimize them.


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Author Biographies

J. A. Herrera-Acosta, Ministry of Education Republic of Nicaragua. Nicaragua

Teacher Ministry of Education MINED-Villanueva, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua UNAN-LEÓN CUR-Somotillo. Master of Education and Rural Development.

C. A. Zúniga-Gonzalez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor of the Department of Agroecology CICAEA,. School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences. Department of Agroecology CICAEA


Defensor del Pueblo (1999). Informe sobre violencia escolar. Madrid: Autor.

Olweus, D. (1998). Conductas de acoso y amenaza entre escolares. Madrid: Morata

Orte, C. & March, M. X. (1996). El conocimiento de la problemática de la inadaptación social entre el profesorado de la Educación Secundaria de Mallorca (Curso 1995- 1996). Palma de Mallorca: Mineo.

Orte, C. (1999). Actitudes de los profesores hacia la intimidación. En, Recio, J. L. & Rodríguez,

Orte, C.; Ballester, L; Touza, C.; Ferrà, P. & March, M. X. (2000). Bullying and peer aggresion in the Balearic Islands (Spain). En Victimization of children and Youth: an International Conference. Durham: New Hampshire.

Orte, C.; Ballester, L; Touza, C.; Ferrà, P. & March, M. X. (2000). Bullying and peer aggresion in the Balearic Islands (Spain). En Victimization of children and Youth: an International Conference. Durham: New Hampshire.

Smith P. K. Sharp S. (1994) school bullying Insights and Perspectives. London: Routledge.



How to Cite

Herrera-Acosta, J. A., & Zúniga-Gonzalez, C. A. (2016). Bullying child maltreatment in primary students. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 2(4), 633–640. https://doi.org/10.5377/ribcc.v2i4.5936



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