Child labor in rural areas with schooling ages
Teaching, Orchard, Help, Lack, ScholarshipAbstract
The study focused to discuss the issue of child labor from a perspective oriented on the subject; a subject highly controversial and marked by various emotions.The central point is the working children themselves. Their work is analyzed primarily under the aspect of meanings he has for themselves. In fact, despite many works on children's rights, it is common to see on television and in the press pictures and articles of working children from developing countries, poorly nourished and poorly dressed. At the dawn of the new millennium, the work they do these unfortunate children is an unacceptable feature of life in many countries. The sequels that are most visible are the ages of our childhood that correspond to be in the first grades of rural schools and we often see that some parents put less importance to that stage because it is very easy to manage. In order for them to finish their studies and when they finish it they do it with little skill and assimilation of basic contents.Simultaneously, some teacher wants to be part of the solution to this scourge; although the evaluation is not applied professionally and this includes that children prefer to work than to study for what results in long-term training and with a very careful dedication by the actors that make up the education: parents,
students and teachers; without putting government aid out of context.
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