Intrapartum prophylaxis in the reduction of neonatal sepsis with maternal risk factors for group B Streptococcus, in León Nicaragua.
Pregnancy, group B streptococci (GBS), early neonatal sepsis, late neonatal sepsis, intrapartum prophylaxis (IAP).Abstract
Colonization or infection by group B (GBS) are important causes of neonatal sepsis and meningitis worldwide. (Gonzalez, 2022) . In order to know the effect of intrapartum prophylaxis in the reduction of neonatal sepsis with maternal risk factors for group B Streptococci, in León Nicaragua, an analytical study of cases and controls of deliveries attended in a public hospital in Nicaragua was carried out, taking as an axis whether or not they received intrapartum prophylaxis. A sample of 202 records of the mother-son binomial was determined, finding that the implementation of PAI in the pregnant woman offers 90% protection; the protective factor of PAI in prolonged RPM membrane rupture 91.5% (OR 0.85, (95% CI: 0.34-0.26) with a value of p=0.000). The non-use of PAI leads to the development of early neonatal sepsis with an OR 8.952 (95%CI 3.492-22.947) p=0.000; for cases of late neonatal sepsis OR 4.634 (95% CI 1.190-18.042) p=0.027.Neonatal screening and intrapartum prophylaxis based on maternal risk factors for GBS is an effective strategy in reducing the development of neonatal sepsis in Nicaragua.
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