Incorporation of the discipline of gender, interculturality and rights in the educational curriculum




Higher education, equity, equality, feminist pedagogies, decolonial


The Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences began in 2020, the process of evaluation and reformulation of the designs of the majors of the Faculty, which will last 10 years. In this context, this article recovers the interdisciplinary academic reflection of the Faculty, which determines the need to incorporate the discipline of gender, interculturality and rights in the curricula. This experience is pioneering, since Philosophy is the first faculty in the country to incorporate these topics in all education majors. In this scenario, the question is how to advance, once we have gained recognition of this subject in academia, giving value to gender, intercultural and rights studies, in a sustainable process that effectively allows us to question the power, gender, ethnic and social relations that are manifested in education? This is a major challenge because that would mean a change, both epistemological and pedagogical; Hence, given the importance of this process, the experience is systematized from the case study method, highlighting both the theoretical approach, as well as the contents and methodology that from a feminist and decolonial perspective support the curricular design of the discipline.


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How to Cite

Logroño, M. J., & Borja Naranjo, G. M. (2023). Incorporation of the discipline of gender, interculturality and rights in the educational curriculum. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 4(2), 97–108.


