Education in Nicaragua




Education system, Legislation, Educational modalities


This essay focuses on the understanding of the Nicaraguan educational system, its legal framework as well as the educational modalities established in it; which we will define conceptually in each key aspect of the Nicaraguan educational system.  We know that education in Nicaragua has as its objective the full and integral formation of people as well as giving them a critical, scientific and humanistic conscience; develop your personality and sense of your dignity; and to enable them to assume the tasks of common interest demanded by the progress of the nation. Education is a factor for the transformation and development of the human being. Based on these concepts began to define the educational systems of our country.
The purpose is to provide basic knowledge about the functioning of the education system, its strengths and weaknesses that it contains in the face of the community, its legislation, material resources and equipment, teaching-learning processes, among others. For the broad and clear development of the subject, fundamentally, knowledge of the evolutionary context of education in Nicaragua and interpretation of the systemic functioning of Education in Nicaragua is required.  We hope that at the end of this essay we can be clear about the educational riches of our country, as well as the growth opportunities that as a country we need to implement in our educational system.


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Author Biographies

G. I. Martinez-Rugama, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Researcher . UNAN-León CUR-Somotillo

J. A. Rivas-Garcia, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Coordinator of Masters Education and Rural Development,. UNAN-León CUR-Somotillo

E. Martinez-Andrades, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor at the Regional University Center (CUR-Somotillo). UNAN-León. Master in Education and Rural Development.


Arríen, J. B. (2008). Referentes de impacto en la educación de Nicaragua, período 1950-2008. Encuentro, (79), 8-18.

Asamblea Nacional. (1 de Junio de 1998). LEY N° 290. Ley de Organización, Competencia y Procedimientos del Poder Ejecutivo. Managua, Managua, Nicaragua: Gaceta Diario Oficial.

Asamblea Nacional. (22 de Marzo de 2006). Ley N° 582. LEY GENERAL DE EDUCACIÓN. Managua, Managua, Nicaragua: Gaceta Diario Oficial.

Ministerio de Educación. (2011). Plan Estratégico de Educación, 2011-2015. Managua, Nicaragua: MINED.

Näslund-Hadley, E., Meza, D., Arcia, G., Rápalo, R., & Rondón, C. (2012). Educación en Nicaragua: Retos y oportunidades. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo BID.



How to Cite

Martinez-Rugama, G. I., Rivas-Garcia, J. A., & Martinez-Andrades, E. (2017). Education in Nicaragua. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 3(5), 711–733.



Review article
