Methodologies to analyze the factors that limit the teacher in the Inclusive integration of children with educational needs special




Inclusive education, Methodological strategies integration, Inclusive approach


This study aims to analyze the different methodological strategies applied
by teachers to children with educational needs associated with a
Disability The techniques used for the collection of information were:
Documentary analysis interviews observation to .Director, Teachers Parents of
Families, specialists in inclusive education and children with needs
special educational Currently in the society in which we live, diverse needs arise
educational which are presented for various reasons, forms and causes,
becoming impediments to children's learning so that
they require more attention to overcome these obstacles (deficiencies).
Therefore it is worth mentioning that the educational center where the
research aims at an inclusive education where children are cared for
special educational needs to a disability.


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Author Biographies

I. F. Lindo, Ministry of Education Republic of Nicaragua. Nicaragua

Researcher Ministry of Education Republic of Nicaragua (MINED). Nicaragua

C. A. Zuniga-Gonzalez, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

CICAEA researcher professor. . School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Agroecology Department. Research Center in Agricultural Sciences and Applied Economics.  


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How to Cite

Lindo, I. F., & Zuniga-Gonzalez, C. A. (2017). Methodologies to analyze the factors that limit the teacher in the Inclusive integration of children with educational needs special. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 3(5), 690–699.



Review article
