Methodology to analyze Reading Comprehension in high school students




Reading comprehension, Knowledge, Strategies, Thinking


The present essay focuses on the strategies used in reading comprehension when reading any type of text, we must integrate new knowledge that serve us not only to perform an exercise or specific application to a discipline, the idea is to go beyond being able Of interacting with new knowledge according to Jean Piaget The main objective of education is to create people capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have made capable of deciphering what they read or hear. The second objective of education is to form critical minds, with capacity for verification, that do not accept all that is given to them. That is why it is necessary to orient ourselves to the changes


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Author Biography

M. E. Midence-Laynes, Ministry of Education Republic of Nicaragua. Nicaragua

Teacher, Jose Dolores Estrada School, Achuapa Municipality


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How to Cite

Midence-Laynes, M. E. (2016). Methodology to analyze Reading Comprehension in high school students. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 2(4), 605–632.



Review article
