Analysis of safety and productivity of power supply in the electrical system of Nicaragua in the period from 2010 to 2018




Malmquist Index, Productivity, Electrical Energy


The purpose of this study was to study the safety and productivity of power supply in the electrical system of Nicaragua in the period from 2010 to 2018 using the Stirling pointer, reserve margin, loss indicator largest generator, the market concentration indicator and methodological data envelopment analysis tool (DEA) and Malmquist indices. The behavior of the energy sector in Nicaragua, in the period studied 2005 - 2013. As result, an indicator from Stirling index ware obtained, right now Nicaragua has security in the electrical system. The reserve margin indicator was obtained as a result, of the safety level from the point of evaluation of this indicator the system has enough security to avoid incurring damages to final consumers, as a result of the loss of the largest generator indicator (LU), concludes that it has a secure system. Moreover, the rate of market concentration showed that Nicaragua does not have a competitive energy market. In assessing productivity use of energy resources, it ware found that, only the use of biomass has an average annual rate of productivity growth.



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Author Biographies

N. V. Blanco-Orozco, National University of Engineering. Nicaragua

Researcher at UNI, Faculty of Electrotechnics and Computing, Nicaragua, Renewable Energy Research Unit CICAEA-UNAN León.

C. A. Zúniga-González, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor at the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Department of
Agroecology. Research Center in Agricultural Sciences and Applied Economics. Coordinator of
the Ibero-American Network of Bioeconomy and Climate Change.

J. Torres, National University of Engineering. Nicaragua

Researcher at UNI, Faculty of Electrotechnics and Computing

E. Arce-Díaz, Kansas State University. United Stated

Mechanical engineer. M.Sc. Kansas State University, USA Agricultural Engineering, 1988. Ph.D. Kansas State University, E.U.A. Economy. Agrícola, 1995. Consultant, instructor and international professor for organizations. Costa Rica

E. Martínez-Andrade, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Researcher at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Administrator / Adjunct Professor T.C.CUR Somotillo / UNAN-León.

R. Dios-Palomares, Cordobas University, Spain

Researcher Cordobas University, España EFIUCO

O. J. Quiros-Madrigal, Costa Rica University. Costa Rica

Researcher at the University of Costa Rica. CIEDA UCR.

P. A. Colon Garcia, National Autonomous University of Honduras, Honduras

Researcher of the National Autonomous University of Honduras, Honduras. CURLA

M. J. Rueda-Hernández, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Researcher at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. ICCAT. Coordinator of the Research Unit in Renewable Energies and irrigation. Department of Agroecology FCCYTT-UNAN LEON.


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How to Cite

Blanco-Orozco, N. V., Zúniga-González, C. A., Torres, J., Arce-Díaz, E., Martínez-Andrade, E., Dios-Palomares, R., Quiros-Madrigal, O. J., Colon Garcia, P. A., & Rueda-Hernández, M. J. (2016). Analysis of safety and productivity of power supply in the electrical system of Nicaragua in the period from 2010 to 2018. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 1(2), 20–52.



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