Continuing education of teachers from the competency-based approach




Competencies, Training, Education


The study focused on a bibliographic review of teaching skills with a focus on Competencies in Middle Education promoted by MINED from 2009 with clear, objective strategies and with various tools for teacher training, technical support also of an evaluation model for that strategy. For its success, the strategy rests on the teacher as an agent of change, however weaknesses have been detected in terms of permanent teacher training which requires, on the one hand, that the teacher take ownership of the approach and on the other, that those in charge of providing methodological accompaniment, do it in an effective and efficient way. We intend to carry out a study on this topic at the Villanueva National Institute with the support of the MINED of the Municipality of Villanueva from April 2016 to November 2016, to apply qualitative and quantitative information gathering instruments, involving a sample that will generate results and actions that allow to improve the educational quality in our center. From the information gathered and from its qualitative analysis, the following recommendations stand out: a) Extend the processes of training and adaptation to the competency approach in all Disciplines. b) Improve the coordination between MINED technicians, Director of the Educational Center and Teachers, in order to define a specific timetable, to the accompaniment processes that they carry out. c) complement the accompaniment with workshops, seminars permanently and continuously.


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Author Biography

A. P. Anduray-Betancourt, Ministry of Education Republic of Nicaragua. Nicaragua

Researcher rural education and rural development master


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How to Cite

Anduray-Betancourt, A. P. (2016). Continuing education of teachers from the competency-based approach. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 2(1), 257–268.



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