Psychological factors that influence aggressive behavior of children of 8 years old




Parenting style, Self-esteem, Complexes, Dysfunctions, Social learning


The present essay focused on a literature review on aggressive child behavior. An approach based on relative stability over time and its consistent connection to a variety of negative outcomes, including crime, use of drugs or chemicals, behavioral problems, poor adaptation and academic difficulties (such as base notes) was used. , suspension, expulsion and dropping out of school). One of the characteristics of the Nicaraguan family is being extensive. It is very rare to find a home composed only of the couple and the children or by the woman alone with her children. The presence of grandparents, uncles or other relatives is quite common. Economic factors largely determine this reality. The shortage of housing and the large number of women who have to support the home or strengthen their economy-require the presence of other adults in the home, which transforms thus in a small and effective nucleus of organization, where all the members are interdependent and where the responsibilities are distributed according to the possibilities of each one and of the common survival of all. Family difficulties such as: discord between partners, little control of impulses from parents, alcoholism, unwanted children, nervous disorders among others contribute to child aggression. The family environment is the place of genesis and development of the personality of children specifically influenced by the imitation of the behavior of the father, mother and other people of the family and social context.


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Author Biography

M. P. Barrios, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Researcher of the Regional university Centre CUR Somotillo


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How to Cite

Barrios, M. del P. (2016). Psychological factors that influence aggressive behavior of children of 8 years old. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 2(1), 204–217.



Review article
