Lobster capture in the Baja California Peninsula and its relationship with Solar Activity
Climate weather, Climate, Fishery productionAbstract
There is growing interest in knowing the links between the behavior of Solar Activity (SA) and Space Weather with numerous processes in the biosphere and in particular, those related to the extraction of marine species. In this work, the annual time series (1959-2018) of lobster capture by various fishing cooperatives along the Peninsula de Baja California, Mexico, was related to the multi-year cycles of Solar Activity, in order to reveal whether the association hypothesis between these variables is fulfilled. The statistical relationship and spectral analysis between the two series show a marked synchronism between the time series and the presence in the capture volumes of the main period of 11 years of Solar Activity. The possible AS-climate-ocean connection with the crustacean fishing variability is explained. Taking into account the volumes of lobster catch and the economic importance that this constitutes for the region, it is considered an important aspect for its possible practical application and exploitation of this knowledge within the framework of the trend in ecosystems due to climate variability.
Keywords: Space Weather, Climate, Fishery Production.
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