Academic performance evaluation with the implementation of school meals: Honduras Case 2016-2017
School lunch, Nutrition, Academics, School, EducationAbstract
This work focuses on a study of the effectiveness of actions such as school meals made for the improvement of the quality of education mainly in the most vulnerable and less affluent population. In this regard Honduras since more than a decade has school feeding program formerly called "school lunch", the results in terms of academic performance have been evaluated very little. The main conclusions of the study were: School feeding helps children are healthy and well-educated, but its impact depends on the availability of quality education. School feeding helps families to assure an education for their children, especially their girls, who often have less access to education. School feeding programs promote the development of human capital in the long term and help to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and hunger. And good school performance determines long-term safe entry to economic and productive sector, allowing people to escape the cycle of inequality and poverty. For this reason, you should make sure students with the necessary tools to achieve this performance, considering that the future lies in the young population.
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