Association of Persian lemon fruit trees (Citrus latifolia) and coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) with the contribution of dry matter by annual crops




Crop rotation, Fruit Trees, Organic Matter


 The objective is to implement a system of corn and bean crops interspersed with Persa lemon and coconut palm fruit trees. The work was established in October 2017, in Hatillo, municipality of Antigua, Veracruz, with fruit trees of Persa lemon and coconut palm, in vines with the addition of organic fertilizers. They were measured in fruit trees, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and branches, contribution of dry matter to the soil and soil analysis were performed on Persa lemon trees, coconut palm and annual crops. The results for Persa lemon show significant differences at 386 days, with respect to stem diameter, plant height, number of branches. With respect to the coconut palm, the diameter of stem presented significant differences from the 190 days, in the height of the palm the values were different to the 386 days. In the contribution of dry matter the black bean Veracruz, contributed greater amount to the soil with 8426 t/ha; the hybrid corn H-520 contributed greater amount of dry matter in the date of February 23, 2018 with 11333 t/ha. When analyzing the organic matter of the soil, a higher percentage was found in the intercropping system, surpassing the monoculture of sugar cane. 


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Author Biographies

L. Rebolledo-Martínez, National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research. Mexico

Researcher of the National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research. Cotaxtla
experimental field, km 34.5 Federal Highway Veracruz-Córdoba, municipality of Medellín de
Bravo, Veracruz, Mexico

J. V. Megchún-García, Veracruz University. Mexico

Researcher Universidad Veracruzana. Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences

A. Rebolledo-Martínez, National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research. Mexico

Researcher National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research. Cotaxtla
experimental field, km 34.5 Federal Highway Veracruz-Córdoba, municipality of Medellín
de Bravo, Veracruz, Mexico.

D. M. Orozco-Corona, Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Mexico

Researcher at the Academic Unit of Nuclear Studies of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas


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How to Cite

Rebolledo-Martínez, L., Megchún-García, J. V., Rebolledo-Martínez, A., & Orozco-Corona, D. M. (2019). Association of Persian lemon fruit trees (Citrus latifolia) and coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) with the contribution of dry matter by annual crops. Ibero-American Journal of Bioeconomics and Climate Change, 5(10), 1248–1266.



Review article
