Aspects to be evaluated within the bio-economy and eco trail - intensification for the good performance of beekeeping to the variability of solar and geomagnetic activity and climate change




beekeeping, solar and geomagnetic activity, climate change


Productive activity of honey bees (Apis mellifera) is likely to be affected by numerous, especially for meteorological reasons for their actions is strongly linked to weather conditions, which limit its work to natural factors. The presence each year of severe weather events is also a factor to consider for its plant resources and live in your own bee population impact. Plagues and epidemics suffering bee colonies in some way modulate the production, making it severely wane before the appearance of those. In turn it has been found and shown in numerous studies that the climate, the weather and the occurrence of pests and disease, show a sensitive dependence on the solar and geomagnetic activity, causing this that the phenomenon is much more complex at multivariate . In this paper we present the results of an analysis of the variability in the production of honey in the Cuban territory for 50 years and its possible association with long-term variability of solar and geomagnetic activity. Production of honey, wax, and productivity per hive for the whole period analyzed. Results are discussed and hypotheses about the relationship found, that allows a partnership between the behavior of the productive indicators and solar and geomagnetic activity arise.

Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 207-222


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Author Biographies

P. Sierra Figueredo, Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy, Cuba

Researcher of the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy, CITMA

A. M. Pérez Piñeiro, Beekeeping Research Center. Cuba

Researcher Beekeeping Research Center 

O. Durán Zarabozo, Institute of Tropical Geography, Cuba

Researcher of the Institute of Tropical Geography, Cuba 

B. Castellanos-Pontenciano, Postgraduate College, Campus Veracruz. Mexico

Researcher Postgraduate College, Campus Veracruz. Mexico

J. M. Zaldivar Cruz, Postgraduate College, Campus Tabasco. Mexico

Researcher Postgraduate College, Campus Tabasco. Mexico


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How to Cite

Sierra Figueredo, P., Pérez Piñeiro, A. M., Durán Zarabozo, O., Castellanos-Pontenciano, B., & Zaldivar Cruz, J. M. (2015). Aspects to be evaluated within the bio-economy and eco trail - intensification for the good performance of beekeeping to the variability of solar and geomagnetic activity and climate change. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 1(1), 207–222.



Review article
