The Bioeconomy in Harmony with Nature




Bioeconomy, Nature, Harmony, Circularity, Naturcentrism


Background: The bioeconomy is a circular economic approach, respectful of Mother Nature, aimed at solving contemporary problems such as climate change, food insecurity and pandemics. It implies an approach from productive processes that were initially agricultural to other sectors, such as non-entropic energy (thermodynamics) applied to classic and linear production functions, which only considered capital and labor, while marginalizing Nature and Biodiversity classified as second-order factors. Methodology: Both authors combine their research with instruments of economic analysis and mathematical modeling, to implement public policies. The analysis methodology includes the fusion of analytical, explanatory, deductive and dialectical methods focused on the review of previous literature and innovative modeling where Nature stops being a mere object and becomes a subject. Results: In the analysis and discussion, one of the authors developed the Ande-Amazonian Bioeconomy (BAA), which includes three key categories: bioculture, bioterritoriality and bioinformation. The Harmony with Nature program to which the second author belongs, contemplates the non-anthropocentric evolving paradigm centered on the Earth, where humanity is an integral part of Nature. This paradigm contrasts with dominant sustainability, dualist, anthropocentric and utilitarian approaches to Man-Nature relations and incorporates Naturcentrism. Conclusion: This systemic error of more than two centuries led humanity to the danger of extinction, something that the ancestral indigenous peoples already knew, knowing the relationships-matter-energy and space-time that the anthropocentric economism deliberately marginalized.


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Author Biographies

J.L Quiroga-Canaviri, Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia

Jorge León Quiroga Canaviri, Ph.D.

Professor at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) Bolivia

Researcher at the Amazon Insitute of the UMSA

Professor/Researcher at the Amazon Institute of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Professor at the Simón Bolívar Andean University (UASB) and other national and international universities. He has a PhD in Economics from the UMSA and UNIBREMEN (Germany) and a PhD candidate from the International Ibero-American University of Puerto Rico in Projects and Scientific Research. Master in Applied Macroeconomics at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Master in Agricultural Economics from the Bolivian Catholic University and Master in Security, Defense and Development from the Military University of the Armed Forces. from Bolivia. He has numerous diplomas (79) obtained in Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, the United States, Mexico and Switzerland. International speaker, Author and Co-author of several works and indexed publications (6 books and 47 papers) in Europe, Latin America and Asia. Winner of many awards, distinctions and medals, serving as CEO in private associations for 25 years (medal of merit), advisor to ministers, editor of national policies in Bolivia and Honduras as an international consultant for IICA and FIDA, Distinctions nominated as best economist in Bolivia in the chambers of Senators and Deputies of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, current nomination as Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Guest, Speaker and Panelist in different forums in Germany, Chile, South Korea, Costa Rica, United States of North America, Russian Federation, Mexico, Switzerland, Uruguay and Bolivia.


M.E. Sánchez-Corchero, University of Vasco Country. Spain

Research of the University of the Vasco Country, Spain.


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How to Cite

Quiroga-Canaviri, J. L., & Sánchez-Corchero, M. (2023). The Bioeconomy in Harmony with Nature. Ibero-American Journal of Bioeconomics and Climate Change, 9(18), 2289–2317.



Review article
