Using the Performance Functions Water and water productivity in agricultural water planning in agriculturally important crops in Cuba




performance, irrigation, efficiency


The study of the water-yield functions and their use in irrigation water planning is an important way to draw up management strategies that contribute to the increase in agricultural production. Using the data of water applied by irrigation and the yields obtained in more than 100 field experiments carried out fundamentally in Red Ferralitic soil in the southern area of ​​Havana and with the help of regression analysis tools in this work, the applied water functions are estimated. -Yields for some agricultural crops and possible irrigation optimization strategies to be followed based on water availability are analyzed. Selecting a strategy of maximum irrigation efficiency can lead to water reductions to be applied between 21.6 and 46.8%, increases in water productivity between 17 and 32% and the estimated benefit / cost ratio of up to 3 ,4%. The foregoing indicates the importance from the economic point of view that the use of this strategy can achieve in conditions of water deficit. The knowledge of the water functions applied by irrigation-yield and the use of water productivity, are feasible parameters to introduce as efficiency indicators in the planning of water use in agriculture, with which it is possible to reduce the volumes of water to apply and raise the current benefit-cost ratio.


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Author Biographies

F. González Robaina, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute. Cuba

Researcher Dr.C, Auxiliary Prof., Auxiliary Researcher, (IAgric), Havana

J. Herrera Puebla, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute. Cuba

Researcher Dr.C, Auxiliary Prof., Auxiliary Researcher, (IAgric), Havana

Teresa López Seijas, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute. Cuba

Researcher Dr.C, Auxiliary Prof., Auxiliary Researcher, (IAgric), Havana

G. C. Lazo, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute. Cuba

Researcher Dr.C, Auxiliary Prof., Auxiliary Researcher, (IAgric), Havana

R. Dios-Palomares, Cordoba University. Spain

Researcher EFIUCO

M. J. Hernández Rueda, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Researcher at the Center for Research in Agricultural Sciences and Applied Economics

W. Salazar Antón, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Researcher at the Phytopathology Laboratory

A. Romero Soza, National Autonomous University of Honduras. Honduras

Researcher CURLA UNAH


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How to Cite

González Robaina, F., Herrera Puebla, J., López Seijas, T., Lazo, G. C., Dios-Palomares, R., Hernández Rueda, M. J., Salazar Antón, W., & Romero Soza, A. (2015). Using the Performance Functions Water and water productivity in agricultural water planning in agriculturally important crops in Cuba. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 1(1), 96–114.

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