Importance of Teaching Standards - Learning and English language assessment


  • Nelson Isaac Quiroz Baca National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León



Teaching–learning, standards, Common Framework of Reference for Languages, Performance


In a demanding and changing social world; learning the English language is a tool that is needed for better academic performance. But the development of essential communication skills has not yet been verified. The agencies dedicated to evaluating the level of English show that there is no record of our country in the international ranking, so it is important to recognize the urgent need to reorient the form of the instrument. This work aims to explain the importance of standards, specifically those applied in the area of ​​English to achieve a better command of language skills. The standards have the function of indicating a "What" referring to a set of aspects or dimensions that must be observed in the performance that a user develops in the language. In addition, indicate a "How much" or measure that allows evaluating how far or close the user is to achieving a certain performance, in addition to the guide "What are they looking for", reflect the depth and complexity of teaching and evaluation, highlighting the aspects that are essential and decisive for the effectiveness in language learning. For this, the "Common Framework of Reference for Languages" has been taken. As a guide, which places the learner as an active agent, this reference presents the sociolinguistic aspects that must be considered in the teaching, learning and learning process. Evaluation, which proposes not dogmatic strategies for its implementation or adaptation in different contexts.



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Author Biography

Nelson Isaac Quiroz Baca, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Faculty of Educational Sciences and Humanities English department


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How to Cite

Quiroz Baca, . N. I. (2019). Importance of Teaching Standards - Learning and English language assessment. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 10(2), 1–12.


