Growth of tilapias oreochromis niloticus in monosexual culture and both sexes, in semi-intensive production systems


  • Milagros Pérez M. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Martha Sáenz R. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Evenor Martinez G. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León



Tilapia farming, Tilapia farming by sex


Target. To compare the population parameters of Oreochromis niloticus tilapias grown in Monosexual and Both-sex cultures in semi-intensive production systems. Materials and methods. To determine which treatment obtained the highest growth, physical-chemical factors (Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature) and population parameters (Accumulated Growth, Survival and Feed Conversion Factor) were taken. Collecting these data for 25 days where the Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus had an initial weight of 77.43gr in both treatments. Results. According to the results obtained in the experiment, the monosexual treatment acquired a final growth of 135.42gr, obtaining an average of 57.99 gr, while the treatment of both sexes reached a final growth of 112.73gr, achieving an average of 35.3 gr. Conclution. The monosexual treatment gained greater size and biomass in less time since they only dedicated themselves to feeding, on the other hand in the treatment of both sexes they gained little biomass since the ingested food was used for the preparation of sexual maturation and thus enter the reproductive stage, which decreased its growth rate, when applying the statistical analysis it was found that p>0.05 alleging that the growth of Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus is greater when only males are cultivated.



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Author Biographies

Milagros Pérez M., National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Research group in:Marine and Aquaculture Research Laboratory (LIMA), León, NicaraguaFaculty of science and technology

Martha Sáenz R., National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Research group in:Marine and Aquaculture Research Laboratory (LIMA), León, NicaraguaFaculty of science and technology

Evenor Martinez G., National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Research group in:Marine and Aquaculture Research Laboratory (LIMA), León, NicaraguaFaculty of science and technology


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How to Cite

Pérez M., M., Sáenz R., . M., & Martinez G., . E. (2015). Growth of tilapias oreochromis niloticus in monosexual culture and both sexes, in semi-intensive production systems. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 6(1), 72–79.




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