Relationship between chronic malnutrition in children under five years of age and age, level of schooling and the number of children born alive to their mothers, in three communities that make up the Sentinel Sites of Food and Nutritional Security (SICESAN) of the Trinational Border Commonwealth River Lempa (MTFRL) in 2014


  • Gioconda Lezama Mendoza National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leòn
  • Ricardo Sibrián National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leòn



Chronic malnutrition, Risk factor's, Mother's age, Level of schooling and number of children born alive


The relationship between the nutritional status of boys and girls under five years of age and the age, schooling and number of pregnancies of their mothers in the communities of Las Toreras, Dolores Merendón in Honduras; San Ramón Centro, Citalá in El Salvador and Las Palmas, Olopa in Guatemala that make up the Sentinel Sites for Food and Nutritional Security (SICESAN) of the Lempa River Trinational Border Association (MTFRL), in 2014. Under a design of descriptive and cross-sectional type, a socio-demographic form was applied and anthropometric measurements were made to the children, the risk factors for chronic malnutrition were determined (growth retardation height/age or height retardation for their age) sustaining that the It is multicausal, it was significant to link the age of the mother and her level of schooling as elements that can contribute significantly to the nutritional status of her children. The children of underage mothers, especially those under twenty years of age with a level of schooling between 1-4th grade of primary school, presented a higher prevalence of growth retardation (ZTE of -2.42) compared to the children of mothers with the same or older age. thirty years with the same level of schooling, whose prevalence was lower (ZTE -2.01). The condition of the minors improved significantly due to the older age of the mothers and the higher number of school grades passed. Children of mothers under 20 years of age, with a schooling level from May to fourth grade


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How to Cite

Lezama Mendoza, G. ., & Sibrián, R. . (2015). Relationship between chronic malnutrition in children under five years of age and age, level of schooling and the number of children born alive to their mothers, in three communities that make up the Sentinel Sites of Food and Nutritional Security (SICESAN) of the Trinational Border Commonwealth River Lempa (MTFRL) in 2014. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 6(2), 9–20.


