Evaluation of three food supplements in the production of Apis mellifera in the Agricultural Potrerillos - Jinotega


  • A Rodríguez Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua
  • L Gadea Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua
  • J Landero Students, Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua
  • A Hernández Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua




Protein, Consumption, Population, Yield


The effect of three protein diets as feed supplementation on Africanized bees was evaluated: soybean meal, peanut meal, maize meal and absolute control of production performance (food consumption, population increase, honey production, cost- benefit ratio) . The present study was carried out in the municipality of Jinotega community San Esteban Agropecuaria Los Potrerillos during a period of 5 weeks, was formed apiary of 16 hives all in nucleus, divided into 4 replicates with each of the treatments. In INFOSTAT and an analysis of variance of Tukey, the obtained data reflected that there are no significant statistical differences in the study, however, the average of the variance reflected difference between the treatments where it indicates to us that the soybean flour showed difference in Variables. It was obtained significant results in the production of honey with differences of 7 liters of hone honey treated in comparison to the control, obtaining economically better results and as food consumption, we pointed out that maize flour obtained better palatability being the highest consumed followed For the soy flour. It was concluded that both doses were consumed and accepted; Where it is recommended to carry out thisstudy to use a larger sample in protein foods as substitute diets in apiaries.


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Author Biographies

A Rodríguez, Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua

Students, Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, UCATSE, Nicaragua UCATSE teacher  

L Gadea, Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua

Students, Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, UCATSE, Nicaragua

J Landero, Students, Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua

UCATSE teacher

A Hernández, Catholic University of the Dry Tropics, Nicaragua

UCATSE teacher


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, A., Gadea, L., Landero, J., & Hernández, A. (2015). Evaluation of three food supplements in the production of Apis mellifera in the Agricultural Potrerillos - Jinotega. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 6(2), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.5377/universitas.v6i2.13867


