The Struggle for the Lands of Sutiaba in the 1950s: Memories of Women Who Made Up the First Female Board of Directors of the Sutiaba Indigenous Community


  • Monika Strasser National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leòn



sutiaba, Women, Indigenous community, Royal titles


Starting in the 1950s, Leonese landowners, seeking land to cultivate cotton intensively, began to appropriate the lands of the indigenous communities of Sutiaba. When the indigenous people lost much of their lands and rivers, they rescued their ancestral organizational structure to fight for their rights to their lands, resulting in the formation of the “Indigenous Community of “Sutiaba” in 1954. Two days after the formation of the Men's Board of Directors The Women's Board of Directors was formed, made up of 14 women. This article attempts to analyze women's participation in this struggle for land, having as sources; the Book of Minutes from 1954 to 1955 of the Board of Directors and the testimonies of women who belonged to this first female Board of Directors. This is how it is intended to assess the participation of women in the 50s when the most intense struggles took place between the Indigenous Community of Sutiaba and the local and national government and to know the motivations, purposes and activities of this first female board.



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Author Biography

Monika Strasser, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leòn

Center for Historical Studies, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Humanities, UNAN-León.


Rizo, M., (1999), Los Títulos Reales del Pueblo de Sutiaba, IHNCA-UCA, Managua, p. 79.

Rizo, pp. 31-34.

La Gaceta, 4 de abril de 1918, N° 76.

Rizo, p. 36.

Gould, J., (1997), El mito de la Nicaragua mestiza y la resistencia indígena, 1880-1980, UCR, San José.

Fonseca González, E., (1995), Breve Historia de los Indígenas de Sutiaba, Instituto Nicaragüense de Investigación y Educación Popular, Managua.


TORRES, S., (1998), "Resistencia étnica y género en Sutiaba, Nicaragua (1950-1960)" en: Revista de Historia, No 11-12, IHNCA-UCA, Managua, pp. 81-98.

Libro de Actas de la Comunidad Indígena de Sutiaba 1954/55.

Gould, p. 193.

La Prensa, 25 de Marzo de 1958, Managua.

Rizo, p.77.

Libro de Actas 1954 / 55

Libro de Actas 1954 / 55

Entrevista realizada el 31 de octubre del 2008 por Monika Strasser

Entrevista realizada el 31 de octubre del 2008 por Esther Marina Vanegas

Entrevista realizada el 28 de noviembre del 2008 por Monika Strasser

Entrevista realizada el 28 de noviembre del 2008 por Monika Strasser

Entrevista realizada el 31 de octubre del 2008 por Monika Strasser

Entrevista realizada el 28 de noviembre del 2008 por Monika Strasser

Rizo, p. 77

Torres, p. 91

Rizo, p. 100

Libro de Actas 1954 / 55; Entrevista Filomena Sánchez realizada el 31 de octubre del 2008 por Esther Marina Vanegas

Libro de Actas 1954 / 55

Entrevista realizada el 31 de octubre del 2008 por Esther Marina Vanegas

Entrevista realizada el 31 de octubre del 2008 por Monika Strasser

Entrevista realizada el 28 de noviembre de 2008 por Monika Strasser



How to Cite

Strasser, M. . (2013). The Struggle for the Lands of Sutiaba in the 1950s: Memories of Women Who Made Up the First Female Board of Directors of the Sutiaba Indigenous Community. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 4(1), 18–25.


