Oral health related to impact of quality of life among at risk youth of social exclusion in Nicaragua.
Quality of Life, oral health, at risk youth.Abstract
Socially disadvantaged youth have a lower quality of life related to oral health due to unfavorable conditions, behavior patterns and pose long-term implications for health systems. In Nicaragua, the young population at risk represents a priority for the National Plan to Fight Poverty and Human Development. Therefore, this study measures epidemiological indicators of oral health that allow improving the quality of life and social reintegration, through the strengthening of care and intervention programs in specific groups. A retrospective study was designed, considering 77 cases with experience of dental trauma and 144 controls. The DMFS index was used for the classification of dental caries risk and the OHIP-14 sp. Crude and adjusted risk was analyzed using SPSS v.24 program. The experience of trauma, dental caries and age (19- 24 years) represented predictors of high impact on quality of life among at risk youth of social exclusion. The psychological domain it was overrepresented. Interventions focused at social reintegration of groups of adolescents and young people must add to multidisciplinary teams that provide prevention and oral health care.
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