Age as risk factor for TDI among at risk youth of social exclusion in Nicaragua.


  • MSc. Alicia Samanta Espinoza Palma National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • MSc. Edgar Gerardo Delgado Téllez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • MSc. Dulce María Oviedo Martínez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • MSc. Dania María Pastora Bucardo National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • MSc. Teresa de Jesús Alemán Rivera National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • MSc. Evert Miguel Tellez Castillo National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • MSc. Manuel Amed Paz Betanco National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Ph.D. Andrés Emiliano Herrera Rodríguez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.



Injuries due to dental trauma refer the traumatic impact to teeth or adjacent structures and it becomes a functional and aesthetic problem afterwards. Adolescents and young people are considered risk groups for dental trauma due to changes in consumption habits, activities and psychosocial behavior, many of them involved in unsafe environments. Young people at risk of social exclusion in León, Nicaragua have a prevalence of substance use between 30-70% and are subject to intervention in mental health and addictions for their well-being and social reintegration.

This study aims to identify risk factors related to dental trauma, through a retrospective study of cases and controls, 77 cases with dental trauma injuries and 154 controls from the same group were captured. Descriptive and analytical analysis was carried out. The group with the highest prevalence of dental trauma were young people between 19-24 years old and it was higher in men than in women (RP=4.12 p 0.024), the etiology was common accident (42%), followed by of physical violence (36%); most of the teeth involved were anterior teeth with involvement of a dental piece. The older age group (young people) was a predictive factor for presenting injury due to dental trauma.



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Author Biographies

MSc. Alicia Samanta Espinoza Palma, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

MSc. researcher. Full Professor Department of Oral Medicine; School of Dentistry;
Center for Research in Demography and Health.

MSc. Edgar Gerardo Delgado Téllez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

MSc. Investigator. Department of Internal Medicine. Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences; Center for Research in Demography and Health. 

MSc. Dulce María Oviedo Martínez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

MSc. researcher. Department of Nursing,Faculty of Medical Sciences. Nursing Research Center,
Demographics and Health Research Center.

MSc. Dania María Pastora Bucardo, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

MSc. researcher. Department of Pediatrics. Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences,
Center for Research in Demography and Health.

MSc. Teresa de Jesús Alemán Rivera, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

MSc. researcher. Department of Microbiology, Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences,
Center for Research in Demography and Health.

MSc. Evert Miguel Tellez Castillo, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

MSc. Investigator. Public Health Department. Faculty of Medical Sciences,
Center for Research in Demography and Health.

MSc. Manuel Amed Paz Betanco, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

MSc. Investigator. Department of Oral Medicine; Faculty of Dentistry.

Ph.D. Andrés Emiliano Herrera Rodríguez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

M.D., Ph.D. Investigator. Department of Public Health,
Center for Research in Demography and Health. Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Palma, M. A. S. ., Delgado Téllez, M. E. G. ., Oviedo Martínez, M. D. M. ., Pastora Bucardo, M. D. M. ., Alemán Rivera, M. T. de J. ., Tellez Castillo, M. E. M. ., Paz Betanco, M. M. A. ., & Herrera Rodríguez, P. A. E. . (2023). Age as risk factor for TDI among at risk youth of social exclusion in Nicaragua. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 14(1), 35–40.

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