Section policy


Contributions to be published in the (REV. IBEROAM. BIOECON. CAMBIO CLIM), must be written at 1.5 space (not including tables and figures) in times new roman font size 11 throughout the document, with margins of 3 in the upper margin. , 2 in the lower margin, 2.5 in the left margin, and 2 in the right margin.

Each page will be numbered in the lower right corner and number the lines starting with 1 on each page. The sections: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, and cited literature, should be written in lowercase with an initial capital letter and bold aligned to the left (time new Roman, size 11).

Investigation article. Original and unpublished writing that is based on research results. Articles must have a maximum length of 20 to 25 pages (including tables and figures) and contain the following sections: 1) title; 2) authors; 3) work institution of authors; 4) author's address (a) for correspondence and email; 5) summary; 6) keywords; 7) introduction; 8) materials and methods; 9) results and discussion; 10) conclusions and 11) cited literature.

Investigation Note. Writing that contains preliminary and important results that the author wishes to publish before concluding his investigation; its length is eight pages (including tables and figures); contains the same sections as a scientific article, but items 7 to 10 are written in the consecutive text; that is, without the title of the section.

Review article.  Summary writing generated from the analysis of important and current issues for the scientific community, where the author (a) expresses his opinion and establishes his conclusions on the subject matter; It must have a maximum length of 20 pages (including tables and figures). Contains sections 1 to 6 and 11 of the research article. The development of the content of the essay or review article is treated in sections according to the topic, from whose discussion conclusions are generated.