Authors intructions

Instructions for authors

Before submitting a manuscript to the Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, it is highly recommended that you read about our scope and check the policies section and thematic area or backfiles that all the format and style of the details of your document are in accordance with the requirements of the journal. This will avoid unnecessary delays caused by the format and style of corrections requested by the journal at the beginning of the evaluation process. Our journal publishes in Spanish and English. Our journal uses the International APA Norms for bibliographic references, therefore the manuscripts in their writing will adhere to these norms. All authors when uploading their data in the Metadata section must include their ORCID number and their institution.

All articles that are submitted for publication by REV. IBEROAM. BIOECON. CLIMATE CHANGE must meet the following standards:

1.-Originality, the contribution must be totally unpublished, not published in whole or in part in any publication, except in very justified cases. Fill originality format look for it at the end of the instructions.

2.-Methodological consistency, given by the use of valid research methods and techniques.

3.-Meaning is of the matter such that it informs or illuminates relevant issues in the field of agrarian, economics, and education Sciences.

4.-Predictable impact for a wide audience of both practitioners and academics.

5.-Clear, concise, and orderly writing style; personal jargon and local expressions should be avoided.

6.-The equations must be written with an equation editor, centered, and numbered consecutively in parentheses. The symbols for constants, variables, and functions, as well as the Latin or Greek letters that are included in the equations, must be in italics.

7.-All figures and tables must be referenced in the text. The numbering of the figures and their description as well as the font must be placed at the bottom of the Figure, in 10-point Arial font. The numbering and description of the tables should be placed at the top, while the font is placed below the table on the left margin, Arial font size of 10 points.

8.-The units, dimensions, and symbols of the international system of units, SI, must be used.

Time of processing manuscript

Once you submit your manuscript, consider the following deadlines for each stage of the process:

a) Wait five days to receive an email confirming that your manuscript has been received. If you do not hear from us within five days, you should contact us immediately.

b) Allow 15 days to receive our message explaining if our Editorial Committee decided to appoint an academic editor and reviewers to you.

d) Leave 25 days to receive reviewer comments.

e) You will be allowed 10 to 15 days (day 35) to process the comments of the reviewers and academic editor on your manuscripts and also write the letter of rebuttal where you will indicate the improvements made line by line.

f) Leave 10 days (day 40) to receive instructions on the second round or end the first round.

g) Leave 40 days to receive your acceptance or rejection.

Finally, your manuscript is published in 10 or 15 days. The process is between 45 to 55 days. 

Any questions related to a manuscript should be sent to Rolando Conrado Quiroz-Medina

Our journal begins with the policy to publish a valuable document at no cost to the authors.


Contributions to be published in the (REV. IBEROAM. BIOECON. CLIMATE CHANGE) must be single-spaced 1.5 (not including tables and figures) in Times New Roman font size 11 throughout the document, with margins of 3 in the upper margin, 2 in the lower margin, 2.5 in the left margin and 2 in the right margin. Each page will be numbered in the lower right corner and number the lines starting with 1 on each page. The sections: summary, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, and cited literature, should be written in the capital first letters and bold aligned to the left (time new Roman, size 11). 

Research article. Original and unpublished writing that is based on research results. The articles must have a maximum length of 20 to 25 pages (including tables and figures) and contain the following sections: 1) title; authors; 3) authors' work institution; 4) author's address for correspondence and email; 5) summary; 6) keywords; 7) introduction; 8) materials and methods; 9) results and discussion; 10) conclusions and 11) cited literature.

Investigation Note. A written document containing preliminary and important results that the author wishes to publish before concluding his / her investigation; its length is eight pages (including tables and figures); it contains the same sections as a scientific article, but paragraphs 7 to 10 are written in the consecutive text; that is, without the title of the section.

Review article. Summary brief generated from the analysis of important and current issues for the scientific community, in which the author (a) expresses his opinion and establishes his conclusions on the topic; It must have a maximum length of 20 pages (including tables and figures). Contains sections 1 to 6 and 11 of the scientific article. The development of the content of the essay is treated in sections according to the topic, from whose discussion conclusions are generated.

Writing format

Title. You must provide a clear and precise idea of the writing in English and Spanish, using a maximum of 25 words; The first letter is capitalized and bold, and centered to the left; without subtitles and without abbreviations; if they include scientific names, they must follow the norm for these and do not use sharp capital letters.

Authors. It will be delivered in a separate document called the Cover. The names without academic degrees and without job titles; At the end of each name, numerical indexes will be placed and reference will be made to them, immediately below the authors; where it will bear the name of the institution to which it belongs and the official address of each author; including zip code and emails; and indicate the author (s) for correspondence between parentheses and indicated in bold, the ORCID number (mandatory). Articles whose main author does not have an institutional affiliation with an entity that carries out research activities are not accepted. It is mandatory that all authors and their respective institutional affiliations are recorded both on the cover sheet attached to the article and in the OJS metadata. Authors who do not register on the platform will not be listed in the article and must be in the order indicated in the manuscript.

Abstract. Present a synthesis of 250 words maximum, containing the following: justification, objectives, place and year in which the research was carried out, a brief description of the materials and methods used, results, and conclusions; the text is written consecutively, without citing authors. Do not include citations.

Keywords. They are written after the abstract and serve to include the scientific article in indexes and information systems. Select five keywords avoiding the words used in the title. The scientific names of the species mentioned in the summary should be placed as keywords and keywords. Tesauro de la UNESCO

Introduction. Its content must be related to the specific topic and purpose of the research; points out the problem and importance of the research, the bibliographic background that supports the objectives, and the hypotheses.

Literature review. In the case of studies that require the repression of theories or models that require consideration in the methodology and tools to be used in the study. In the case of tests, it is very rigorous that this section be added.

Materials and methods. It includes the description of the experimental site, materials, equipment, methods, techniques, and experimental designs used in the research. The mentioned methodology must be described

Results and Discussion. Present the results obtained in the research and point out similarities or divergences with those reported in other published research. In the discussion, highlight the cause-effect relationship derived from the analysis.

Conclusions. Write conclusions derived from the relevant results, related to the objectives and hypotheses of the work.

Literature cited. Preferably include recent bibliographic citations of scientific articles from recognized journals, do not include abstracts of congresses, or internal reports, exceptionally a web page may be cited. All citations mentioned in the text should appear in the cited literature.  Will be adopting APA Standards.

General remark In the original document, the figures and tables must use units of the International System (SI). Also, include the figure files separately in the program.  Original where it was created, in such a way that it allows, if necessary, to make modifications; If they include photographs, they must be original, scanned in high resolution, and sent the electronic file separately. The title of the figures is written in upper and lower case, in bold; in bar and pastel graphs use clearly contrasting fill textures but with fine content (which does not detract from the quality of the information); For line graphs, use different symbols. The title of the tables must be in upper and lower case and in bold; the boxes must not exceed one page, nor must they be closed with vertical lines; only three horizontal lines are accepted, the column heads go between the first two lines and the third serves to finish the picture; In addition, they must be numbered progressively as they are cited in the text and contain the necessary information so that they are easy to interpret. The information contained in the tables should not be duplicated in the figures and vice versa, and in both cases include statistical comparisons. Literature references at the beginning or in the middle of the text use the surname (s) and the year of publication in parentheses; for example, Winter (2002) or Lindsay and Cox (2001) if they are two authors. If the citation is at the end of the text, add the last name (s) and the year in parentheses; Example: (Winter, 2002) or (Lindsay and Cox, 2001). If the cited publication has more than two authors, the first name of the main author is written, followed by the abbreviation et al. and the year of publication; the form of presentation in the text is: Tovar et al. (2002) or at the end of the text (Tovar et al., 2002). In the case of organizations, place the abbreviations or initials; for example, FAO (2002) or (FAO, 2002).Ways of citing literature Articles in periodicals. The citations should be placed in alphabetical order, if the main author appears in several articles of the same year, it differs with letters a, b, c, etc.1) write in full the first and last name with a comma and the initial (s) of the first names with a period. To separate two authors, the conjunction; or its equivalent is used in the language in which the work is written. When there are more than two authors, they are separated with a semicolon, between the penultimate and the last author, and the conjunction or its equivalent is used. If it is an organization, add the full name and its abbreviation in parentheses; 2) year of publication (point); 3) article title point; 4) country where the point is edited, 5) name of the periodical, and 6) journal number and volume in parentheses two points, number of the initial and final page of the article, separated by a hyphen (i. E. 8 (43): 763-775).


Gerónimo J. J. J., Sol S., A., Pérez F. J. and Del Rivero B. N. (2014). Orchids with Tourist Potential in the mangroves of the Aquiles Serdán ejido. Paradise, Tabasco. Mexican Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Pub. Esp. No. 9. 28 Sep-11 Nov. 2014. pp. 1659-1671

Serial publications and books.

1) author (s), as for articles; 2) year of publication point; 3) title of the work point. 4) if it is a translation (indicate edition number and language, name of the translator (a) period; 5) name of the publisher dot; 6) issue number issue;7) a place where the work was published (city, state, country) point; 8) for brochure, series or collection put the name and point number and 9) a total number of pages (i. E. 150 p.) Or page.

Articles, chapters, or summaries in collective works (books, compendiums, memoirs, etc).

1) author(s), same as for articles; 2) year of publication point; 3) title of the article, chapter, or memory point; 4) Latin expression In; 5) title of the collective work dot; 6) editor(s), compiler(s) or coordinator(s) of the collective work [they are written down the same as the author(s) of the article] period, the abbreviation (ed or eds) is placed in parentheses, (comp or comps) or (cord or cords), as the case may be the point; 7) if it is a translation (same as for serials and books); 8) point issue number; 9) name of the publisher dot; 10) Place where it was published (city, state, country) point and 11) pages that comprise the article, linked by a hyphen and place lowercase pp (i.e. 15-35 pp.).

                         Declaration of Originality Format

Work title:____________________________________________________________________________________________

By means of this communication, it is certified that the undersigned (s) are (we are) the original author (s) of the work that is presented for possible publication in the Ibero-American Journal of Bieconomia and Climate Change (REV. IBEROAM. BIOECON. CAMBIO CLIM) edited by the School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León and the Postgraduate College of Mexico.
Likewise, I (we) state that the contents presented are the product of my (our) direct intellectual contribution and that, in the form and context in which it is presented here, it is not being postulated in parallel to any other editorial space for its possible publication.
The author (s) of the proposed work is (we are) aware that the Ibero-American Journal of Bieconomia and Climate Change (REV. IBEROAM. BIOECON. CAMBIO CLIM) considers, as part of its editorial rules, the mandatory approval of academic arbitration known as double-blind, for the possible incorporation of a text in its editorial process; likewise, that the results of said opinion are unappealable. I guarantee (we guarantee) that all data and references to materials already published are duly identified with their respective credit and included in the bibliographic notes and in the citations that stand out as such and, in the cases that require it, I tell (we count ) with the due authorizations of the person (who) owns (s) the economic rights. For the foregoing, I declare (we) that all the materials presented are totally free of copyright and, therefore, I am (we) responsible for any litigation or claim related to property rights intellectual property, exonerating the Ibero-American Journal of Bieconomy and Climate Change (REV. IBEROAM. BIOECON. CAMBIO CLIM) and its directors and editors from all responsibility.

In the event that the submitted work is approved for publication, as the author (s) and the owner (s) of copyright, I (allow) myself to authorize unlimitedly in time to the Ibero-American Journal of Bieconomia y Cambio Climático (REV. IBEROAM. BIOECON. CAMBIO CLIM) to include said text in the corresponding number, after correction and editing thereof, and reproduce, distribute, exhibit and communicate it in the country and in the abroad by electronic means, the Internet or any other known or unknown means.

For proof of the foregoing, this declaration is signed on ______ days, of the month of _________________,
of the year __________ in the city of ________________.

Next, the signature of the author (s):

Full name




Shipping template
Cover submission template Cover.docx - Google Docs
Article submission template in English.docx - Google Docs 
Declaration of Originality Format.docx - Google Docs 
Engagement Letter Template English.docx - Google Docs 
Plantilla for sending Rebuttal letter.docx - Google Docs