Solar activity and its association with the rain regime in El Salvador




Climatic variability, Space Weather, Geomagnetic Activity


Numerous publications show evidences about the possible links between the variability of the Solar Activity and the terrestrial climate, manifested in accumulated rainfall, atmospheric pressure and temperature, among other parameters for different geographical latitudes and epochs. Climate variability, including the observed trend, is known to have a component dependent on global warming of anthropogenic origin in the modern era, which apparently is modulated by the external action of the Space Weather, which prints fluctuations "from outside ", Imposing rhythms that overlap the endogenous ones, which is evidenced in the multi-year records of the climatic variables. The hypothesis of association between the cosmic agents and the climate of the planet is proposed. With this work developed during the years 2016 and 2017, result of the classic statistical analysis of accumulated rainfall records of 8 stations provided by the General Direction of the Environmental Observatory, Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of El Salvador (DGOAMARN), we have wanted, as objective, to show its behavior for a period of 45 years (1971-2015) and analyze its possible association with the variability of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity in the Central American region, for whose region we have not found previous original publications where undertake said analysis. The classic statistical results of the time series obtained are shown for each of the Stations and as a whole, offering the positive conclusions of the authors regarding the validity of the association hypothesis


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Author Biographies

A. Sol-Sanchez, Postgraduate College-Campus Tabasco. Mexico

Senior Research Professor. Dr in Agricultural Sciences Specialty Tropical Forestry Area of Vegetal Science.

P. Sierra-Figueredo, Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy. Cuba

Researcher Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy. Calle 212 # 2906, La Lisa, C.P. 11600, Havana. Member of the Ibero-American Society for Bioeconomics and Climate Change (SYByCC).

E. A. Marinero-Orantes, El Salvador University. El Salvador

Researcher at the Volcanological Research Institute. Volcanological Research Institute, Paracentral Multidisciplinary Faculty, University of El Salvador, C.P: 1701. Member of the Ibero-American Society for Bioeconomics and Climate Change (SYByCC).


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How to Cite

Sol-Sanchez, A., Sierra-Figueredo, P., & Marinero-Orantes, E. A. (2017). Solar activity and its association with the rain regime in El Salvador. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 3(6), 782–799.



Review article
