Research methodology focused on qualitative analysis - Quantitative applied to the Factors that condition the dropout of students of secondary of the zone Nº2, enrolled in year 2015 of the municipality of Somotillo -Chinandega.




methodology, Quantitative, Qualitative, Techniques


In the present study, it was specifically and specifically investigated with the  purpose of validating and / or experiencing a job for subsequent documentation  with well-documented articles that are very useful for society.  Through the qualitative or quantitative research carried out by the researchers, either according to their performance where they operate or obtained results, many of these are used by societies, as well like others in no way.  In addition, it is considered that the analysis in recent years, various researchers
have defined and structured this type of methodology as the beam of large  advances to facilitate the work in bibliographic documentation, studies of cases, or other research case studies of a quantitative nature and


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Author Biographies

J. J. Ordoñez, Nicaraguan Exports. Nicaragua

Researcher Nicaraguan Exports (Expornica S.A). Nicaragua

V. Fornos-Garcia, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences


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How to Cite

Ordoñez, J. J., & Fornos-Garcia, V. (2017). Research methodology focused on qualitative analysis - Quantitative applied to the Factors that condition the dropout of students of secondary of the zone Nº2, enrolled in year 2015 of the municipality of Somotillo -Chinandega. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 3(5), 700–710.



Review article
