Yield of Maize Alley Cropped with Inga Trees and Several Levels of Natural Fertilizers





Zea mays, Inga spp, guama, rock phosphate, potassium and magnesium sulfate


In the experimental station of the Regional University Center of the Atlantic Center (CURLA, UNAH), La Ceiba, Atlántida, Honduras. The yield of maize (Zea mays L.) alley cropped with existing guama trees (Inga spp.) to the application of potassium sulfate and magnesium (K2SO4 + Mg) fertilizer at 0, 20, 40 kg. ha-1 with six replicates, and phosphoric rock (RF) at 0, 20, 40, and 80 kg·ha-1 with four replicates, was evaluated. Prior to sowing the crop, dolomitic lime (Ca3(PO4)2CaF2) was applied at a rate of 2 ton·ha-1. Nitrogen was provided by the guama trees. In year 2014, the highest average yield of maize was 1558 kg·ha-1 and it was statistically significant. The treatments that performed better were those of K2SO4 + Mg, and RF, at 20, 40, and 80 kg·ha-1. The high average yield of maize during the first year, its stabilization during the next two years, and the no application of nitrogen fertilizers, has pointed out to the availability of nitrogen for the crop under an alley cropping system with guama trees (Inga. spp.).


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Author Biographies

G. Catari Yujra, National Autonomous University of Honduras. Honduras

Senior Research Professor III of the Regional Center of the Atlantic Coast -UNAH-

M. A. Guzman Moreno, National Autonomous University of Honduras. Honduras

Titular Research Professor III of the Regional Center of the Atlantic Coast -UNAH-Dr. in Genetics from the Montecillo Postgraduate College. Mexico

M. Hands, Cambridge University. United Kingdom

Associate Researcher at the University of Cambridge; working almost entirely in Central America. In this position, he directed four research projects in Costa Rica and Honduras. In 2007, he and his colleagues established the Inga Foundation as a UK registered charitable trust to continue and expand this pioneering work in the world's rainforests.

M. Reyes-Osornio, University of Papaloapan, Loma Bonita. Mexico

Papaloapan University. Loma Bonita Campus Tropical Agricultural Engineering Program Dr. Maribel Reyes Osornio mreyes@unpa.edu.mx maribel_osornio@yahoo.com.mx ORCID https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-2574-3823


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How to Cite

Catari Yujra, G. ., Guzman-Moreno, M. A., Hands, M. ., & Reyes-Osornio, M. . (2022). Yield of Maize Alley Cropped with Inga Trees and Several Levels of Natural Fertilizers. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 8(15), 1886–1897. https://doi.org/10.5377/ribcc.v8i15.14383



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