Impact of productivity and technical efficiency of basic grains in Nicaragua, 1961 - 2013




Productivity, Technical efficiency, Technology, Scale Efficiency, Pure efficiency


The present study focused on measuring the impact of the technologies implemented to the production of basic grains in Nicaragua to improve the total productivity of the factors (PTF), considering the climate variability. The database of the FAO for the items: Rice, corn, and beans. The methodology of the indices of Malmquist, measures the total productivity of the factors and explains the causes of these in bases on Technology and Technical Efficiency. This in turn is explained by the Efficiency to scale and pure efficiency. The results show a behavior
non-uniform indicator of the PTF indicator for each of the items studied (rice, beans, and corn) during the period 1961 - 2013. In addition, it is observed that the evolution of The indicators obtained are explained from the indicators of technological change
(seed) with little incidence of the technical efficiency indicator in such behavior.
The bean crop was the item that showed the greatest evolution in its PTF indicator
with 12%, followed by the cultivation of rice with 11% and the cultivation of corn with 5%.


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Author Biographies

A. S. López-González, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Nicaragua

Research professor, Department of Economic and Business Sciences, Multi-disciplinary Regional
Faculty, Carazo.

C. A. Zúniga-González, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Teaching researcher. Agroecology Department. Center for Research in Agricultural Sciences and
Applied Economics.

R. A. Rangel-Cura, Institute of Tropical Geography. Cuba

Researcher of the Institute of Tropical Geography, Cuba 

R. Dios-Palamares, Cordobas University, Spain

Researcher at the University of Cordoba, EFIUCO.

A. P. Colón-García, National Autonomous University of Honduras. Honduras

Lecture researcher of the UNAH, CURLA.

O. J. Quirós-Madrigal, Costa Rica University. Costa Rica

Researcher at the University of Costa Rica. CIEDA.


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How to Cite

López-González, A. S., Zúniga-González, C. A., Rangel-Cura, R. A., Dios-Palamares, R., Colón-García, A. P., & Quirós-Madrigal, O. J. (2016). Impact of productivity and technical efficiency of basic grains in Nicaragua, 1961 - 2013. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 2(1), 411–436.



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