Problem of bullying in primary education in the municipality of Villanueva Chinandega Nicaragua -2015




Coexistence, Studies, Conflict resolution, Abuse, Students, Teachers, School


In this work we want to highlight this silent enemy that affects psychologically our childhood, numerous works that allow us to see that violence among students of School age is a global problem. The school context is one of the most studied in relationship to Bullying. It is impossible to determine the exact number of students and also professors who are victims of violence every day in our centers. Bullying occurs in all schools, so it is important that they become aware of it and develop
a solution in the educational community. The victim of Bullying has difficulties
real or perceived to defend how to stop them and how to help students minimize
its impact Victims are often referred to as weak, insecure, anxious, cautious,
sensitive, calm and shy and with low levels of self-esteem.
The work was done with the method of bibliographic review (surveys) which allowed
discover the most reflected problems such as fights, nicknames and insults, these are scenarios that facilitate that this phenomenon is de. With the results obtained from the surveys proceeded to provide practices of interest that allow mitigate these phenomena, we worked with fourth year, providing educational talks for students and parents of family to appropriate the majority of knowledge to face this scourge and improve every day the implementation of good values and positive behaviors and eradicate abuse among them, using as a primary weapon the individual educational councils and group meetings.


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Author Biographies

J. A. Herrera-Acosta, Ministry of Education Republic of Nicaragua. Nicaragua

Teacher Faculty of Sciences and Humanities

J. A. Rivas-García, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Master coordinator

E. Martinez-Andrades, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Research professor CUR Somotillo UNAN Leon

E. M. Villalobos-Maradiaga, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Researcher National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

C. A. Zúniga-González, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Director CICAEA. School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences. Research Center in Agricultural Sciences and Applied Economics.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Acosta, J. A., Rivas-García, J. A., Martinez-Andrades, E., Villalobos-Maradiaga, E. M., & Zúniga-González, C. A. (2016). Problem of bullying in primary education in the municipality of Villanueva Chinandega Nicaragua -2015. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 2(1), 390–400.



Review article
