Variability of Coffee Production in El Salvador and its Possible Relationship with the Space Weather




Coffee production, Space weather, Heliobiology, Solar activity, Biosphere


The objective of this study is aimed at showing the possible relationship between the variability of Solar Activity and the behavior of coffee production during 40 years (1980 - 2019) in El Salvador from the database provided by the Salvadoran Council of the Coffee (, consisting of the volumes of the grain accumulated annually. At the same time, the causal relationship with the rainfall regime in the region is analyzed. The research was developed within the framework of the collaboration of the Ibero-American Society for Bioeconomy and Climate Change and the Ibero-American Network of the same name and inspired by previous work carried out by researchers who are members of said Society in recent years related to this topic. The results are shown and the possibility of the causal association is evaluated.


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Author Biographies

P. Sierra-Figueredo, Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy, Cuba

Researcher at the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy, AMA-CITMA, Cuba

E. A. Marinero-Orantes, El Salvador University. El Salvador

Researcher at the Environmental Research Center of the Paracentral Multidisciplinary Faculty, University of El Salvador (CEIA), University of El Salvador. Doctoral Intern Student Higher Education at the Bioeconomy and Climate Change Research Center, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua León.

A. Sol-Sanchez, Tabasco Campus Postgraduate College, Mexico

Postgraduate College Researcher, Tabasco, Mexico. President of the Ibero-American Association of Bioeconomy and Climate Change.

C. A. Zuniga-González, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon. Nicaragua

Director of the Research Center on Bioeconomy and Climate Change. School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences. National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.


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How to Cite

Sierra-Figueredo, P., Marinero-Orantes, E. A., Sol-Sanchez, A., & Zuniga-González, C. A. (2021). Variability of Coffee Production in El Salvador and its Possible Relationship with the Space Weather. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 7(14), 1632–1643.



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