Impact models in agriculture considering agriculture scenarios of climate change




Climate Change, Analysis models, empirical models


The purpose of this review or compilation of studies carried out in Cuba and Nicaragua is to examine the potential impacts of climate change on the agricultural sector through the use of modeling, in order to provide elements that can be taken into account for the formulation of agricultural and environmental policies since knowing the possible impacts of climate change is a first step towards effective action. The possible impacts of variations in climatic variables on the agricultural sector, on some of the most important crops, are analyzed. Likewise, economic impacts are accounted for through future climate scenarios. The study in the agriculture sector yielded a wide range of results that cover both harmful and beneficial consequences, depending on whether the levels of the CO2 fertilization effect (estimated in laboratories) are achieved in practice for the photosynthetic cycle plants. C3.


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Author Biographies

R. J. Vázquez Montenegro, Institute of Meteorology of Cuba. Cuba

Researcher Institute of Meteorology of Cuba. Cuba

O. Durán-Zarboso, Institute of Tropical Geography, Cuba

Researcher Institute of Tropical Geography, Cuba

M. B. Baca Salazar, Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies. Nicaragua

Researcher Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (INETER). Nicaragua


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How to Cite

Vázquez Montenegro, R. J., Odil, & Baca, M. B. (2015). Impact models in agriculture considering agriculture scenarios of climate change. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 1(1), 1–50.



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