Native forests and sustainable management in the Argentine dry Chaco




Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory plannign


In the present work we analyze a particular case at the national and sub-national level (deepening the province of Chaco), from the theoretical perspective of sustainable development. This is the case of the use of natural resources, the interaction forest / agricultural activity, the regulation and implementation of the package of public policies to a particular sector of the economy: the forestry sector of the province and its interaction with native forests. The objective of this work is to observe the impact of the implementation of Law 1762-R (formerly 6409) (OTBN) where the use of natural resources is carried out in a way that enables the satisfaction of the needs of the present without compromising the future generations . The case of the implementation of the Law meant a before and after in the regulation of forestry, forestry and industrial activity, its inter-relationship with the expansion of the agricultural frontier and with citizens in general. However, it is immersed in a national development strategy that does not allow it to overcome the mechanisms of value transfer to central countries under the extractive logic as a productivity compensation mechanism.


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Author Biographies

P. Gevaerd Bernal, National University San Martin. Argentina

Researcher Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Argentina. Av Lavalle 755. C.P:3500.

M. N. Ordenavia, Universidad de la cuenca del Plata. Argentina

Researcher Ministerio de producción de la provincia de Chaco, Argentina. Universidad de la cuenca del Plata, Argentina. Marcelo T de Alvear 145. Piso 7, oficina 9. C.P:3500


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How to Cite

Gevaerd Bernal, P., & Ordenavia, M. N. (2020). Native forests and sustainable management in the Argentine dry Chaco. Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 6(11), 1383–1405.



Review article
