Cane sugar production in El Salvador and its relationship with the variability of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity: An approach to Bio economics and Climate Change




Climate Change, Heliobiology, Bioeconomy, Ecointensification, Geomagnetism


The present work is a contribution of the Bioeconomy in the productive path of Eco intensification, where the effects of climatic variability affect the productivity levels of sugarcane production. The eruptive Activity of the Sun and Space Weather are important elements of the cosmic environment that affect the variability of the planet's climate and numerous processes of the Biosphere and the Environment. The time series of productivity in the sugar industry in El Salvador for a period of 31 years (1985-2015) were analyzed from the data published in the Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics, DGEA-MAG, in relation to the rainy regime for that same period and with two indexes of the Space Weather. The work was carried out in different phases in Cuba, El Salvador and Mexico. The objective of the work was to assess the hypothesis that establishes the associations between these variables (sugar production series and spatial climate indices) and at the same time confirm the possible influence for this Central American territory, and the sample with which it was contrasted. It is shown that there is a close synchrony between the Solar and Geomagnetic Activity and the sugarcane, molasses and sugar production indices, clearly manifesting in these last ones a multi-year cycle of approximately 10 to 12 years.


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Author Biographies

P. Sierra-Figueredo, Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy. Cuba

Scientific researcher of AMA-CITMA, member of the Ibero-American Network of Bioeconomics and
Climate Change, and the Ibero-American Society of Bioeconomics and Climate Change.

E. A. Marinero-Orantes, El Salvador University. El Salvador

Scientist of the Center for Environmental Research of the Paracentral Multidisciplinary Faculty,
University of El Salvador (CEIA). Member of the Ibero-American Network of Bioeconomics and
Climate Change and the Ibero-American Society of Bioeconomics and Climate Change.

A. Sol-Sánchez., Postgraduate College-Campus Tabasco. Mexico

Researcher of the Graduate College, Tabasco, Mexico. President of the Ibero-American Society of
Bioeconomics and Climate Change and member of the Ibero-American Network of Bioeconomics and
Climate Change section Mexico.

C. A. Zúniga-Gonzalez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

 Research professor at UNAN Leon. Director of the Iberomericana network of Bioeconomics and Climate Change. Member of the Ibero-American Society of Bioeconomics and Cliamtico Change. Director of the research center in agricultural sciences and applied economics.


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How to Cite

Sierra-Figueredo, P., Marinero-Orantes, E. A., Sol-Sánchez, Ángel, & Zúniga-Gonzalez, C. A. (2019). Cane sugar production in El Salvador and its relationship with the variability of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity: An approach to Bio economics and Climate Change. Iberoamerican Journal of Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 5(10), 1209–1221.



Review article
