Agro-ecological alternatives of fertilization in the cultivation of the pipián (Cucúrbita argyrosperma)




Fertilization, Phenological, Agroecological, Edaphic, Foliar


The objective of this study was to evaluate three agroecological alternatives for fertilization (manure tea, coffee pulp and humus plus fish bone), in the cultivation of pipián (Cucúrbita argyrosperma) in the municipality of Jinotega, in the period August-October 2017. , likewise compare the influence of each fertilizer on the phenological development of the crop, determine the productivity of each fertilizer. The treatment that had better results experienced in the culture was manure, as it is characterized by the plant absorbs nutrients produced by the fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, micronutrients) effectively.


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Author Biographies

A. A. Jarquín-Hernández, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Students of tropical agroecology from the department of Jinotega

C. A. Ortiz Rodríguez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Students of tropical agroecology from the department of Jinotega.  UNAN-León. CUR Jinotega.

M. A. Rizo Blandon, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Students of tropical agroecology from the department of Jinotega. UNAN-León. CUR Jinotega.

J. E. Gómez Prado, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Nicaragua

Students of tropical agroecology from the department of Jinotega. UNAN-León. CUR Jinotega.


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How to Cite

Jarquín-Hernández, A. A., Ortiz Rodríguez, C. A., Rizo Blandón, M. A., & Gómez Prado, J. E. (2019). Agro-ecological alternatives of fertilization in the cultivation of the pipián (Cucúrbita argyrosperma). Rev. Iberoam. Bioecon. Cambio Clim., 5(9), 1129–1143.



Review article
