recomended app to reAD ePUB
Each manuscript submitted by the authors will be peer-reviewed (double-blind) with external peers and with a type of online blind peer review by at least two experts (as) designated (external reviewers) by the Academic Editor. Only original and unpublished writings in Spanish or English are accepted and that have not been proposed in other journals and that their evaluation is in progress. In this sense, the academic editor relies on the reviewers to make his decision.
Strict blind peer review: A careful selection will be made for relevance and importance. The two bodies of evaluation and support, the Editorial Board and the International Scientific Committee have recognized world-class experts, who will make their technical and specialized comments according to the selected area of knowledge.
Stages of manuscript processing: The initial filter is the Editor-in-Chief and his editorial team filtering the metadata, originality with one of the software to detect plagiarism, and if the originality criteria indicated in the authors' instructions are met, of this way an academic editor is assigned. In the first phase, the academic editors proceed to assign blind peer experts or external reviewers who make recommendations to the manuscript for its improvement or qualify as unacceptable. In the second phase, the author is sent to make corrections. In this phase, the author or authors, once they make the improvements, must send the academic editor a letter of rebuttal indicating each improvement made by the reviewers and the academic editor along with the manuscript already improved. In the third stage, the academic editor reviews whether the improvements were made and determines whether to close the round or open a second round with the same reviewers or others as deemed appropriate. In the fourth stage, if the manuscript is accepted, it is sent to style correction and then to production where the technical editorial team makes the layout for publication. The Editorial Board has the last word on acceptance in cases of contradictory decisions. The times of each stage are referred to in the author's guide.
E- ISSN: 2410-7980
PARENT DOI: 10.5377
National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León Central Building, adjacent to La Merced Church| Apartado Postal 68. PBX: +505-23115013 | FAX: +50523114970
Web site iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim.) e-ISSN 2410-7980
Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Iberoamericana de Bioeconomia y Cambio Climático