Quantification of sodium nitrite in sausages by UV-VISIBLE spectrophotometry


  • M.Sc. Vernon Sandoval Ramos National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León




nitrite, sausages, UV-vis spectrophotometry, Griess


In the present research work, nitrite was quantified in the different types of sausages marketed in the cities of León, Chichigalpa and Chinadega, the UV-vis spectrophotometric method was used, at a wavelength of 535.5nm, obtaining the following results of nitrite concentrations, bologna 52.24mg/kg, chorizo ​​45.88mg/kg and sausage 73.97mg/kg, values ​​that are below the maximum allowed limit of 125mg/kg of NaNO2 as established by the technical food standard. The results obtained from the different validation parameters studied were: linearity of the method with a coefficient of determination r2 0.999, a confidence interval between 0.2 and 1.8 mg/kgNaNO2, quantification limit of 0.189 mg/kgNaNO2 and detection limit of 0.057. mg/kgNaNO2 respectively. The precision of the method was evaluated through the repeatability parameter, obtaining a result of 0.6913%. The accuracy of the method was determined, evaluating the recovery percentage, obtaining as a result a coefficient of variation of 1.64%.



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Author Biography

M.Sc. Vernon Sandoval Ramos, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, UNAN-León


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Badui Dergal S. (2006) Química de los alimentos. 4ª ed. México Pearson Educación.

Codex Alimentario(1990). Comision del Codex alimentarius FAO/OMS. ALINORM 91/16.

Miller N. J., Miller C. J. (2002) Estadística y Quimiometría para Química Analítica 4ta edición.



How to Cite

Sandoval Ramos, M. V. . (2020). Quantification of sodium nitrite in sausages by UV-VISIBLE spectrophotometry. UNIVERSITAS (LEÓN): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE UNAN-LEÓN, 11(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.5377/universitas.v11i1.16292


