Growth behavior of juvenile tilapia oreochromis niloticus, using commercial feed: for tilapia at 28% vs. for shrimp at 30%
Tilapia feeding, Tilapia farming, Tilapia fatteningAbstract
Target. Evaluate the behavior of the growth of juvenile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, using commercial feed: for tilapia at 28% vs. For shrimp at 30%. Materials and methods. To determine which treatment obtained the highest growth, physical-chemical factors (Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature) and population parameters (Accumulated Growth, Survival and Feed Conversion Factor) were taken. Collecting these data for 28 days where Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus had an initial weight of 17.58gr in both treatments. Results. According to the results obtained in the experiment, the treatment with commercial feed for tilapia obtained a final growth of 30.03gr, while the commercial treatment for shrimp registered a final growth of 33.33gr. Conclution. According to the results obtained in the experiment, it has been concluded that the Physical and Chemical Factors did not affect growth, that statistically there is no significant difference (P<0.05) between both treatments, however at the end of the experiment the Treatment No. 2 (commercial feed for shrimp at 30%) resulted in more growth than Treatment No. 1 (commercial feed for tilapia at 28%).
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