Socioeconomic factors and the use of contraceptive methods in women of childbearing age in Nicaragua




women of childbearing age (WCBA), contraception, econometric model


The woman's ability to decide if and when to get pregnant has a direct impact on her health and socioeconomic welfare, (Caudillo, Benavides, Valdez, Flores, & Hernández, 2017, p.52). This study analyzes the socioeconomic factors that determine the use of contraceptive methods in Nicaraguan women of childbearing age, using the Nicaraguan Demographic and Health Survey (ENDESA, 2011). The type of research is quantitative, correlational and non-experimental and the econometric analysis is based on the logistic model for the dichotomous variable use and non-use of any contraceptive method. The results of the research explain that by 2011, 59.8% of women of childbearing age used at least one contraceptive method and the most used was the Bilateral Tubal Occlusion BTO or Ligation (21.3%), followed by the contraceptive injection ( 20.9%) and the contraceptive pill (8.2%). By age structure, in the age range of 15-20 has the lowest percentage of contraceptive use with 30.7%, however this value increases to 61.4% in the age range of 21-29 to 73.3% in women aged 30-36. A relevant fact is that 6 out of 10 women of childbearing age have been pregnant at least once at the age of 21. Regarding the model, it was found that access to a health center to obtain the contraceptive method does not guarantee its use. The characteristics related to age, region, area of ​​residence, ethnicity, having ever been pregnant, having had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months, use of a condom in the first sexual intercourse and having a partner all meet the expected theoretical relationship regarding the use of contraceptive methods in women of childbearing age. Having been pregnant (98.2%) and having a partner (69.7%) have the highest marginal effects.


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How to Cite

Avilés Peralta, Y., Sánchez Quintero, M., & Valiente Gutiérrez, O. (2020). Socioeconomic factors and the use of contraceptive methods in women of childbearing age in Nicaragua. Notes on Economics and Society, 1(2), 67–78.


