Situation of tourism resources of rural communities in the west of Nicaragua to develop Rural Community Tourism




rural community-based tourism (RCT), rural community, rural development, rural area


Rural community-based tourism in the same way that in Latin America is a new modality that is strongly appearing in recent year in Nicaragua, but it still requires some initiatives of the public sector as of the private one to develop it in its totality in the rural areas of our country. Likewise, it needs that the regulatory laws of the tourism sector mainly the ones that are related to rural community-based tourism have to be stuck with the country’s reality allowing rural communities to develop such activity because nowadays they show a lot of limitations for its proper execution. Nicaragua is a country with a big tourism potential of its rural communities where people are willing to work with this type of tourism activity, not forgetting that it is a complementary activity to the activities they have been doing in the past. By all means, this activity requires of planning for its adequate management and avoiding in this way the different negative aspects when the community members are developing it


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How to Cite

Martínez Salgado, O. (2020). Situation of tourism resources of rural communities in the west of Nicaragua to develop Rural Community Tourism. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 1(1), 56–66.


