Banking Operations and Economic Growth in Nicaragua


  • Leuvad Tercero Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Nicaragua
  • Adriana Ríos Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Nicaragua
  • Haymi Salgado Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Nicaragua
  • María Zabala Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Nicaragua



banking operations, credit portfolio, bank deposits, economic fluctuations, economic growth


The study of banking operations in the analysis of the economic growth of a country is relevant, for this reason, this work analyses economic growth depending on variables: Credit Portfolio and Bank Deposits backed by "Theory of Financial Development and Economic Growth", proposed by Schumpeter (1912).  The results are shown by an econometric model characterized by being a Log-log function that shows the influence that these variables for the period 2007 - 2018 in Nicaragua, using the method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) responding to the proposal of the objectives proposed. The trend shown by the variables Credit portfolio and Bank Deposits is positive with slight decelerations between periods; Real GDP proves to be dynamic with increasing trend during the study period, however, the growth rate has registered fluctuations throughout it, due to events of international and national macroeconomic context. In terms of amounts, the highest loan placements during the period were aimed at the commercial sector; regarding the composition of deposits, deposits at sight, they have concentrated 46.3% of total deposits on an annual average.  In the econometric model reflects the significant contribution of the variables Credit Portfolio and Bank Deposits at 0.113040 and 0.278403 percentage points respectively to Economic Growth.  The model is significant at a level of 95% confidence, being explained in 97.36% by the independent variables, fulfilling the assumptions of MCO.  The results obtained conclude the fulfillment of the theory since market capitalization and access to financing sources drive the country's economic growth.


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Revista Científica Apuntes de Economía y Sociedad



How to Cite

Tercero, L., Ríos, A., Salgado, H., & Zabala, M. (2020). Banking Operations and Economic Growth in Nicaragua. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 1(1), 1–8.


