Dinamics of the production chain of bocadillo veleño: an approach from the local development





competitiveness, associativity, production chain, local development, Bocadillo Veleño


The "Bocadillo Veleño" is a delicacy that has been enjoyed for generations; beyond its cultural value, it promotes economic and social development at the local level. This article contributes through an approach to the value chain of this product, contemplating its constituent links as a taxonomy.  Through a descriptive type of research, a brief analysis is carried out in ten snack-producing companies located in the municipalities of Vélez, Barbosa, and Moniquirá on aspects of the organizational constitution, competitiveness, associativity, exports, technology, and innovation, in addition to this, an approach to the dynamics of the other links present in the chain: growers and processors of Bijao Leaf, guava producers and organizations that are responsible for bringing together the agents present. The main result is an analysis of the elements that constitute the value chain, the role of the territory in local development, and the role of its productive agents. However, despite the sector's efforts, there is a need for further strengthening, and academia could play a critical supporting role.


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How to Cite

Medina Rojas, I. D., Sánchez Parra, E. P., & Solís Montaño, Y. A. . (2023). Dinamics of the production chain of bocadillo veleño: an approach from the local development. Scientific Journal "Notes on Economy and Society&Quot;, 4(1), 48–62. https://doi.org/10.5377/aes.v4i1.16165


